
Showing posts from 2020


I'm not sure about anyone else, But I'm finding words and the language of word fascinating at the moment especially as a creative writer. Over the lockdowns and pandemic of this year, I have found my interest going into exploring unfamiliar or unusual words and meaning, increasing daily.  So already now coming to the end of another journal, that three since the end of September, (I've lost count of the number of pens, pencils and erasers I've gone through this year). I have been writing singular words alongside my daily journal entry's, trying to focus on those words not used in everyday conversation. combining it with my creative flair. It's very interesting that some words seen with the human eye are not what our brain thinks they ought to be. We are very blessed to have natural access to Language, that we have often learnt from our birth. The fascinating sound of a new parent trying to teach their toddler to say, Mummy and Daddy, it's like a parental comp


Here is a random thought for a Saturday afternoon. Where is the middle of your book? Before we even to begin to answer this question first we must start at the beginning. How many of us pick up that fresh new book and read the back before the middle or the beginning? That seems a bit pointless of having the book at all. ‘You do not write the first scene, before you know the last scene.’ To know the end, you must go deep into its heart, take the book as a whole and enjoy its journey like nothing else around us matters. John Grisham recently on said; ‘The one piece of advice I give to students who are studying literature is that “You do not write the first scene until you know the last scene” otherwise you get lost in the middle, and the story becomes pointless .’              That quote really struck out for me, I am more interested in the writing and the outcome than I am in into reading books. So often I will try to read a book and give up halfway through. I don’t think I have ever


Our mental wellness is vitally important to each of us; Especially in these present uncertain and unprecedented days. It is as important to look after our own mental health wellbeing but also to look out for those that are close to you.  Today is a day that we call 'World Mental Health Day'. It is an international day for global mental health education, awareness and advocacy against social stigma. Mental Health illness is real and happens to real people like me and you, pardon that cliche but it is as real as a broken bone in your body. We wouldn't ignore broken bones and in the same way, 'Mental Illness should have the same respect. Why not take a look at the 'World Mental Health' website to find a way that you can support the many charity's that support and advocate for better mental health wellness. Also, here in the UK, you can visit the MIND website. .  World Men


Hiya, how are we doing in these still crazy times of what seems daily changing rules and regulations?  So now here's one word we are all getting used to hearing in the present.   It has become quite a fashionable common word us as we've lived through 2020; For without mentioning 'The Elephant in the room'.  in one week I heard the word 'Safe' multiple times every day in a week. It is like all of a sudden the world has a new limited vocab of words.  Our desire to use them as frequently as possible as excuses or make our point.  The word safe seem to now be in competition with that much used daily word 'Sorry'.  Such an easy excuse for a word often without much meaning or feeling. So what really is safe, what is it's connotations for our daily lives and relationships. Can we really be safe in a world full of danger, mystery and intrigue? The English Dictionary describes 'Safe' in two descriptions; The being, 'Not in danger or likely be harm


Hello and welcome to another blog, its been a while since the written blog.  So today I thought we explore together the wonderful world of the 'Word game', You may not even realize you've played the game or if we're even playing now.  'So if you're looking at a little more than the first time you have been able to see the best possible outcome for a new format and you can see how it works for the next generation of the universe, we will all have a good understanding that we are living with the same walk as the other one is going on a day and time to get it together.' Well, that first paragraph was just a little bit of word game fun, to get our brain matter working; Or us thinking this writer's gone completely mad. I was writing this on my phone in my notes this morning. I typed in the word 'So' and then the phone gave me predicted suggestive words that it thought would follow on; This either now making a sensible paragraph or in this case a non


Question how many of us during these underrepresented times, find ourselves going for walks? Long walks short walk, easy walks, hard walks.  Do you for a ramble or just a stroll.  It has been interesting to see peoples habits change over the course of time, going for walks or just pleasure. I come from a family of walkers, ever since I can remember as kid to adulthood, discovering new places and creating memories. it was the time spent together in those early days.  And now in adulthood I still love to be walking in the outdoors, quite often myself in my own thoughts I love watching the Skies and trees feeling very close to God and nature.  I'm not sure about you but for me I always feel better after a walk, that great sense when you sit down at the end and have a good reason for tiredness. Feet will only tread where you place them;  Be aware where of the footprint they leave behind.  It is always greater to walk on good and pleasant ground. "But admire the beauty that is at o


Have you read and heard the news today, how are we feeling right now?  Are you ready to  go exploring  or sit in the armchair;  Please read on. "Is it a healthy diet or a fast food fix." How do we feed our mind within the world around us? Are we feeding it breakfast, lunch, supper  and is it a healthy diet or a fast food fix. Our digestion is in important key, it is important because it has an impact on or mental health as well as our physical health. We can obtain negativity from anywhere, switching on the TV and bam it’s there right in front  of us. The news broadsheet thrives on giving it that dangerous fast food painful gut ache.  When was  the last  time you heard good news about any current situation or experience that lasted for  about twenty minutes.   Of course, we read and hear good news but often it just a quick  dusting  of the icing sugar.   Yes,  it is important to inform ourselves with the news, but try  not to let it  consum


The following poem was written on a Sunday afternoon (26/04/2020), from the pen of the thoughtful mind of Sarah Joy.  It is brought life as the rains thunders on the ground, following many sunshine days.  Writing is one way of getting our thoughts down on what is going on, unscrambling the brains thought patterns and trying to be as creative expressive in many forms as one can. THESE ARE THE NEW TIMES These are the hardest of the days as we grow longer apart These are the days our heart sags, for only comforted by virtual humans These are the days where virtual hugs are made spoken These are the days where rainbows become our new windows to the world These are the days we applaud our heroes of the Nations These are the days we question the news, as it spreads unnecessary fears These are the days we question the rights and wrongs These are the days of virtual classrooms, work-places n homes These are the days your Sunshine moves away from o


Well hello to you again dear reader; How are you in this crazy fully or partially isolate (lock down) world we find ourselves in? How are you finding it being you. Just being you, maybe a new exciting adventure or a really scary process.There is so much out there at the moment isn't there, with all the self help advice all the usual do's and don't's. But what happens when we just step back from it all and just be the person we were created to be. 'If it make's you happy, why not.' It is important to listen to the right advice at this time like how to keep our self's at social distancing and safe. But when it comes to hows, whens, why's of our own character; That is our choosing. We may want to be in our pj's all day that's called personal choice and I believe if it makes you happy why not.Just be you, let people see or hear the real imperfect, flawed, crazy, weird, magical , beautiful you. 'If we don't, allow ourselves time


So here we are finding ourselves learning a whole new way of living, that has been thrown upon our Nations. Our life's restricted to the minimum, a new set of rules and fast paced decisions of a global virus, that is claiming life after life. "The World keeps turning." But its a world that needs looking after, now more than ever, A world that needs to become more selfless than selfish.  It is frightening and frustrating time because we are experiencing the unknown way of living  But as they say the world still keeps turning, slowing down a little more than we are used to, is that such a bad thing. When we pass someone in the street trying to be two meters apart, when we struggle with the new ways of shopping, When the ques are outside the banks; When the police ask us to move on, when our NHS tries to help you. Remember we are not the only ones frustrated by these restrictions. "The Old world is dying, and a new world struggles to be born." Amidst


Hello, bare with me as you and I travel through my latest 'Wandering Thoughts'; I believe its toughest I've written to date.  I'm like many right now, we're uncertain of where it is heading or where the world is at.  I have tried hard to understand and how to write in these troubled times something so relevant that is foggy focused to many of us. I feel the title speaks for the content in which it writes hopefully to our heart and soul. "Everyone believes they have the answers" January night sky 2020 by Sarah Holden The world, in a matter of days has become more fearful;  It is fearful because change has hit our nations at such a speed and confusion that no one could possibly have predicted.  We are fearful because we've been faced with death on an extortionate scale. We have seen it coming from a distance and now suddenly becoming a day to day world that is trying to find answers and solutions to a crisis never witnessed before. Everyone believ


So ones decided I'm running my own daily journal of my experiences of how its affecting me day by day. It won't appear on Social media, although certain extracts may appear in in my blogs. Why not try it for yourself.. Its to weird be even thinking this, because to most of us were all like, I haven't a clue whats going on or what I'm safe and legal to be doing, beyond our personal space of four or more walls. I've really struggled to give this blog a title, Is it politically correct to use Coronavirus in the title (I'm happy to take suggestions). Llyn Crafnant, Trefriw, photo by WT The purpose or theory to writing a journal post each day allows you to direct your focus, on what you've accomplished, what your grateful for and what you are committed to doing better tomorrow. Thus you enjoy your journey more each day. It could be a morning journal or an evening entry, you may even whilst you still can go sit in a park or any green space and let your t


Happy International Women's Day 2020. To all the women who believe in us give us the courage to press on, see our worth when we can't see it for ourselves. Today we celebrate, all woman of every race, creed and nation; The Good, The Bad, The pretty, The Ugly. The Weird;  Weather famous or just people like ya mam or nan. IWD was founded way back in 1975 In 1977, the United Nations General Assembly invited member states to proclaim March 8 as the UN Day for women's rights and world peace. After the Socialist Party of America organised a Women's Day in New York City on February 28, 1909, German delegates Clara Zetkin, Kate Duncker and others proposed at the 1910 International Socialist Woman's Conference that "a special Women's Day" be held annually. After women gained suffrage in Soviet Russia in 1917,  So then the 8th March, became a national holiday there.[The day was then mainly celebrated by the socialist movement and the former communist count


So, here's the question to kick of this blog; How many of us truly have a conversation, and really take time to hear another human’s soul? It’s something that is very current in our society, along with recent campaigns like  ITV’s ‘Keep Britain Talking’ what comes across time and time again is our need not just to talk but to listen and engage to another’s spoken words with compassion and understanding.   There are many voices missed because we live in a present-day society that often does not have time and that's when a conversation can quite possibly become the loneliest place, someone may ever encounter. I’m guilty as the next man for this; Yet how can I be longing for a conversation, when often, I to miss people who just want someone just to say ‘Hello’ too, A simple hello could lead to a million things. Just think what it would be if we just stopped and gave a thoughtful word and a listening ear.  Try to refrain from talking about ourselves and more focus on