Hello and welcome to another blog, its been a while since the written blog.  So today I thought we explore together the wonderful world of the 'Word game', You may not even realize you've played the game or if we're even playing now. 

'So if you're looking at a little more than the first time you have been able to see the best possible outcome for a new format and you can see how it works for the next generation of the universe, we will all have a good understanding that we are living with the same walk as the other one is going on a day and time to get it together.'

Well, that first paragraph was just a little bit of word game fun, to get our brain matter working; Or us thinking this writer's gone completely mad. I was writing this on my phone in my notes this morning. I typed in the word 'So' and then the phone gave me predicted suggestive words that it thought would follow on; This either now making a sensible paragraph or in this case a none sensible sentence or phrase. Why not give it a try, see what you come up with. Now try working out where comma’s, full stops, apostrophe come in. Do not take yourself too seriously with, just have fun with it.

The majority of creative writing is what you make it. It is yours you can either choose to share it with the world or let it be privately written to you for you. 'Random Rambling' has in the past shared in previous blogs about the joys and pitfalls of our words. I often like to play word games especially if I am unsure what I should be writing about.  

There are many physical as well as practical fun word games out there on the market. Many of us in our time will have played Scrabble and how many of us have had laughter at words people will come up with to score an extra point or two. Another game/tool I've recently discovered is Rory's Story cube. This is how they describe it on their bio page;'Once upon a time there was a game where your imagination had no limits Epic, fabulous roll the cubes and make a story.'  You can find the link to there website at the end of this blog.

History has taught so many word phases with many great writers. One of my favorite and inspirational writers was Roald Dahl, he too must have played many word games with all the fantastic characters he created in his mind for us all to enjoy. There is no shortage of evidence of new fun words he would play around with i.e. 'Snozzcumber', 'Grobblesquirt', Horrigust, Huggybee.  Roald Dahl seems to be his own character who wasn't afraid of what he wrote, He just wanted quite possibly to share with the reader all the fun his imagination had in writing such wonderful story's and not just in his time but to write for many generations to come.

'In a writers mind there is no written rules to how he writes as long as he is able to write by the light in the game of words in his head' - Sarah Joy Holden

Words can often be so hurtful and harmful a lot of the time either directly at a person or situation, they too can become an escalating game of words. But those word games are not nice to play so turn that frown upside down and allow smiley words into a creative smile. 

Recently Midlife Writer, watched the film 'The Personal History of  David Copperfield' 2019, based on the 1850 Victorian-era novel David Copperfield by Charles Dickens. Mr. Dick, whose full name is Richard Babley, has childish traits and an obsession with work on his memorial from which he is constantly distracted by thoughts of King Charles' Mr. Dick's thinks that the thought of a King passed down to him after his death and can't stop writing them down. David Copperfield suggests to him of writing down the thoughts and placing them on a kite, sending them up above the clouds and away from his mind. Random Ramblings thought what a good process to adopt; Now obviously I don't have a kite but my mind often comes up with its own random thoughts and quotes and then they are lost. So it was decided to buy a post-it note block, and now if a phrase or quote of my own comes to mind write it down and put the note in a place in my home (only I know where that is). And who knows maybe one-day  Random Ramblings will fly their own quote kite. I guess this is not quite a word game but could be in the process of the activity it is based especially if two of you had word kites.

In language schools often word games can be used as a way to learn the cultural language. Words and meanings very often different from our own native mother tongue. The mind will often remember visual more than written, 'we see more than we hear but we speak more than we hear.'

The writers game has no given rule, their pen is the 
dice to which one plays. - Sarah Joy Holden

So as they say 'let the games begin'; enjoy the words today as they may become the games of our tomorrow.

If you enjoyed this piece of writing I'd love to hear from you in the comments section below, thank you for listening.  

Be Safe, Be Well, Be Blessed

Midlife Writer 


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