I'm not sure about anyone else, But I'm finding words and the language of word fascinating at the moment especially as a creative writer. Over the lockdowns and pandemic of this year, I have found my interest going into exploring unfamiliar or unusual words and meaning, increasing daily. 

So already now coming to the end of another journal, that three since the end of September, (I've lost count of the number of pens, pencils and erasers I've gone through this year). I have been writing singular words alongside my daily journal entry's, trying to focus on those words not used in everyday conversation. combining it with my creative flair. It's very interesting that some words seen with the human eye are not what our brain thinks they ought to be.

We are very blessed to have natural access to Language, that we have often learnt from our birth. The fascinating sound of a new parent trying to teach their toddler to say, Mummy and Daddy, it's like a parental completion to which the child will say first. And I guess that's how we stay through life learning new words, meanings, sounds every day. We understand that not everyone is able to read, write or speak but how incredible it is that we have those willing to teach in a variety of different mediums.

Etymology is the study of the history of words. By extension, the phrase"the etymology of [a word]" means the origin of a particular word. 

To find interesting words, a good place to start is News broadcasts, some of the words and terminology could leave many of us thinking, is that actually a word.  It fascinating at the moment with the USA election how many unusual words (polite of course), or tv quiz shows.

One of my most favourite and inspiring writers has got to be Roald Dahl. Dahl became an established writer in 1961 and continued writing up until his death in 1990. I love his fascination with the written words and how he tells the story from them, often he'll create fascinating words and phrases often which no other Author would dare to tread. Such an intelligent mind and who's writing is still loved by generations today.

So let us not take for granted the word that we speak, for the language it teaches needs to remain pleasant and sweet. Not misrepresented or illtreated. Daily giving our beautiful spoken language the full respect it deserves.

Thanks for your time, don't forget to post your comments below.  Keep safe and well.

- Midlife Writer 


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