Hiya, how are we doing in these still crazy times of what seems daily changing rules and regulations?  So now here's one word we are all getting used to hearing in the present.   It has become quite a fashionable common word us as we've lived through 2020; For without mentioning 'The Elephant in the room'.  in one week I heard the word 'Safe' multiple times every day in a week.

It is like all of a sudden the world has a new limited vocab of words.  Our desire to use them as frequently as possible as excuses or make our point.  The word safe seem to now be in competition with that much used daily word 'Sorry'.  Such an easy excuse for a word often without much meaning or feeling.

So what really is safe, what is it's connotations for our daily lives and relationships. Can we really be safe in a world full of danger, mystery and intrigue? The English Dictionary describes 'Safe' in two descriptions; The being, 'Not in danger or likely be harmed.  The second definition of the English dictionary describes 'Safe as 'unlikely to cause injury or damage'. 

What we fear, is what we often need to help us become strong and safe. The world is right now strange and changing let it not change who we are, whilst being mindful of all that is safe and good around us.

So without stating the obvious (Sorry), stay safe in these storms we are presently facing. Storms come in a different variety's no storms last forever.  If we learn to secure our anchor's well we will remain strong in the storm.  

- Midlife Writer 



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