So ones decided I'm running my own daily journal of my experiences of how its affecting me day by day. It won't appear on Social media, although certain extracts may appear in in my blogs. Why not try it for yourself.. Its to weird be even thinking this, because to most of us were all like, I haven't a clue whats going on or what I'm safe and legal to be doing, beyond our personal space of four or more walls. I've really struggled to give this blog a title, Is it politically correct to use Coronavirus in the title (I'm happy to take suggestions).

Llyn Crafnant, Trefriw, photo by WT
The purpose or theory to writing a journal post each day allows you to direct your focus, on what you've accomplished, what your grateful for and what you are committed to doing better tomorrow. Thus you enjoy your journey more each day. It could be a morning journal or an evening entry, you may even whilst you still can go sit in a park or any green space and let your thoughts flow from your mind, and flirt with the pen as spills out across the papers page.

Do not be afraid of what or how you write, in your journal, there is no fault or rules, because it simply a book written and read by you. 

'Don't stress the good haves, If it should have, It would have.'

I stopped journaling late last year, because I started focusing more on trying to start putting my book together. I took 15 journals from 2007 till 2019 and foolishly destroyed them, thinking I have typed out the creative poetry writing transcripts out; Wrong they'd gone only 8 pieces remain electronically. But the most recent one I kept back (phew).

So now with reasons explained in the first paragraph, I'm taking up the challenge again, because at this stage of the UK CV outbreak restrictions on our country who knows when we will return to normal, I'm hoping its weeks rater than months other wise it will have it own little series.

And you know it doesn't have to be a straight forward thinking writing it can be scribbles, lyrical rhymes or poetic symbols breathed onto to your very own page, you the the master of your own written destiny, hopes and dreams....

'If you want to change the world, pick up the pen and write.'

So why not give a go, take the pen in your hand and express those words dear to you, through the pages of your own manuscript.

- Midlife Writer 


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