Hello, bare with me as you and I travel through my latest 'Wandering Thoughts'; I believe its toughest I've written to date.  I'm like many right now, we're uncertain of where it is heading or where the world is at.  I have tried hard to understand and how to write in these troubled times something so relevant that is foggy focused to many of us. I feel the title speaks for the content in which it writes hopefully to our heart and soul.
"Everyone believes they have the answers"
January night sky 2020 by Sarah Holden
The world, in a matter of days has become more fearful;  It is fearful because change has hit our nations at such a speed and confusion that no one could possibly have predicted.  We are fearful because we've been faced with death on an extortionate scale. We have seen it coming from a distance and now suddenly becoming a day to day world that is trying to find answers and solutions to a crisis never witnessed before. Everyone believes they have the answer to slow down or eradicate this global pandemic.  I haven't got all those answers you and I are looking for, and its become quite clear there is no rushed through quick fix. As for me it also it is causing stress and anxiety as to many others.
"The Structures, to that survival are breaking and confused"
The world is shut to the human eyes, going out on the street is an unrealistic and frowned upon activity, our freedom of choices no longer exist.  Yes we are in changing times, yet still we must be reserved and hold on to what ever bit of sanity remains within us.  The structures to that survival are breaking and confused, we've become a Nation of plastic as I learnt to my pearl today no longer is it safe to use cash for the basic need. Our rights, that now depleted and dispelled, you don't own them for they are owned by others leading of Nation.
"And time is divided into two parts; Before this and After that"
Changing times, it feels like to many of us, it is like the ending of time. The world stood still; There are moments that mark your life, moments when you realise, nothing will ever  be the same. And time is dived into two parts; Before This and After this.  You will have and will continue to hear it said;  'Oh after this is over'.  Yes then what, again we don't know its ending, oh we are being told three to twelve weeks, or when the summer comes.  But we can't relies on that, and when we come out of isolation lock down it will be awhile before normal service resumes and that why now we all need to learn the art of patience and kindness.
"Spinning round in empty voids"
Oswestry taken in 2019, by Sarah Holden
"An empty world full of people, invisible to the disbelieving eye, a world unknown struggles to call itself home, spinning round in empty voids, reaches out to hug but arms fall empty only too its selfless side.  Oh my love, my dearest child upon that day would arrive, when all will be well once again. Just hold on be brave, be strong. For just when the Caterpillar thought the world was over, It became a Butterfly..."

Change also challenges us also to change our emotions, and that is challenging in itself, not one of carry's the same emotions int the circumstances they are face with. We are all encountering the same one thing, but we all approach it from different perspective. The mind is a complex yet fascinating part of us. Its okay not to fully understand whats currently going on around you, that's human natures response.

"Be Mindful of what you inhale and exhale"
Please don't wrap yourself in guilt, be kind to yourself; Wrap yourself in goodness, warmth and love.  For these are the things that cost nothing, never run out. You are allowed to protect your inner peace, and now is a good time than any.  Create a space for you involve yourself into your creative purpose.  be mindful of what you inhale and exhale.  Grab the headlines but don't over indulge on the variety of the feast the media is giving, it is only their to feed bad indigestion and a bitter taste.  And however hard it feels 'Just be kind, keep safe because however corny the cliche is we are all indeed ' All in this together'.  We are in changing times.......

- Midlife Writer 

'Change isn't easy it takes time; 
For time, takes time to change time.'
 - Unknown


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