So here we are finding ourselves learning a whole new way of living, that has been thrown upon our Nations. Our life's restricted to the minimum, a new set of rules and fast paced decisions of a global virus, that is claiming life after life.

"The World keeps turning."

But its a world that needs looking after, now more than ever, A world that needs to become more selfless than selfish.  It is frightening and frustrating time because we are experiencing the unknown way of living  But as they say the world still keeps turning, slowing down a little more than we are used to, is that such a bad thing.

When we pass someone in the street trying to be two meters apart, when we struggle with the new ways of shopping, When the ques are outside the banks; When the police ask us to move on, when our NHS tries to help you. Remember we are not the only ones frustrated by these restrictions.

"The Old world is dying, and a new world struggles to be born."

Amidst the chaos, There is still humour
We are seeing our NHS stretched to its capacity, an increase in gossip and rumours; which increases the anxiety in people and the lack of trust in human nature.  The old world is dying, and the new world struggles to be born.  That we in the western world especially have lived in such freedom, that now faced with this new so called norm we struggle to adapt to its fast turn around, think of it this way 'What had you been doing this time last year, that you are not doing today!'  What can we learn from this to give us a better understanding of the 'here and now'.

"There is still a glimpse of so much wonderful positive spirit in our attitudes."

Isn't great to see all the things people are doing, in this lock down time, discovering new ways of maintaining stability in life, Creativity in many forms, checking on our neighbours; I've even tried to take up walk runs (although this has now stopped, until normal new world starts again).  Despite all the negativity this 'New World' is forcing us into, there is still a glimpse of so much wonderful positive spirit in our attitudes.  My prayer and hope is, this is not just for this season, that if and when our world heals from this that it will transfer into the next new world that will follow, for the better.  And if you are struggling there are people like Samaritans, CAB that can help you through the 'worst time and the best of time', just be gentle and kind because every human-being is also facing this same new and strange world along side you.

Those that follow me on Facebook will have seen this following post, I put up last week.  It came from the heart and it touched so many I thought as we experience this whole new world together it may be of some comfort and hope to us all.

It's okay, I know its okay."
Its okay, I know it's okay for today is yet another bizarre day and its okay.Its okay to scramble through the madness, it's okay just to not understand, its okay to go through our emotional inquiries, its okay not to listen to much news broadcasts, it's okay to look untidy, it okay to be in Sunday's best, its okay to feel abnormal, its okay to plant reap n sow, its okay to feel confused, it's okay to have many pj's days, it's okay to have messy play days, it's okay to stop n listen to silence, it's okay to ask the questions, it's okay to have good days, it okay to have a troubled day, its okay not to have all the answers, its okay listen to our own voice of words of doubt, its okay to tear up the normality rule book, it's okay to feel impatient, its okay to laugh and cry, it's okay to ask why why why. Its okay for these are non-normal times; For one day it will pass and that's okay, give it time....

"May we never lose heart."

So as hard as it may sound and as hard as it is to write; May we never lose heart. Let our hearts be reassured that whatever this new world may give or take us; There is still plenty of love that this world in all its beauty and madness can still shower over us all, Maybe not in the physical day to day terms but certainly in our thoughts, our prayers, our tasks, in our electronic Communication.

And let's finish with the lyrics from this beautiful song that in these crazy challenging, changing tims; It reminds us its going to be okay, to perceive through this battle of a 'Whole New World"

"I know it's all you've got to just be strong, And it's a fight just to keep it together. I know you think that you are too far gone, But hope is never lost, hope is never lost. 
Hold on, don't let go, Hold on, don't let go 
Just take one step closer, Put one foot in front of the other, You'll get through this,  Just follow the light in the darkness, You're gonna be okay.
I know your heart is heavy from those nights, But just remember that you are a fighter, a fighter. You never know just what tomorrow holds, And you're stronger than you know, stronger than you know 
Hold on, don't let go, Hold on, don't let go."

Take care of you, keep safe, keep well and pardon the cliche again 'Where all in this together'.

- Midlife Writer 


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