Well hello to you again dear reader; How are you in this crazy fully or partially isolate (lock down) world we find ourselves in? How are you finding it being you. Just being you, maybe a new exciting adventure or a really scary process.There is so much out there at the moment isn't there, with all the self help advice all the usual do's and don't's. But what happens when we just step back from it all and just be the person we were created to be.

'If it make's you happy, why not.'
It is important to listen to the right advice at this time like how to keep our self's at social distancing and safe. But when it comes to hows, whens, why's of our own character; That is our choosing. We may want to be in our pj's all day that's called personal choice and I believe if it makes you happy why not.Just be you, let people see or hear the real imperfect, flawed, crazy, weird, magical , beautiful you.

'If we don't, allow ourselves time we deserve to be ourselves.
Just be yourself because life is to short to be some else. This is in my view different from my others blogs I've written, but the caring or walking miles in others shoes is still important. But when this is over we or even in the here and now, we can't help and support each other, if we don't allow ourselves time we deserve to be ourselves.

Sometimes you just need to be alone, rather than in the crowd, rather then be alone. Nothing wrong with that, sometimes you just need to create space to soul search, let the mind recover, rest. It's the best part of 'Just being you'

About all you can do in life is be who you are. Some people will love you for it, most people will love you for what you can do for them, and some people won't like you at all. But that's fine don't get to hung up on it. But let not yourself ignore them, be kind, selfless, humble, you never know where roads lead.

'The only person who knows you best, is Yourself!'
Whenever you find yourself doubting how far you can go, just remember how far you have come. You may have had all the advice and help a human can possibly have in their life time, but in the end it's you that makes the the decision of choice; Why, well the only person who knows you best is yourself and you can achieve that by still being selfless and being you!

So yeah go for it, lose the fear and do it anyway (with in reason), take the day as it finds you in the present tense. Times are hard but being hard on yourself is harder; Just be you,however it may take or find you.

Take care, keep safe.

- Midlife Writer 


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