So, here's the question to kick of this blog; How many of us truly have a conversation, and really take time to hear another human’s soul?

It’s something that is very current in our society, along with recent campaigns like  ITV’s ‘Keep Britain Talking’ what comes across time and time again is our need not just to talk but to listen and engage to another’s spoken words with compassion and understanding.  

There are many voices missed because we live in a present-day society that often does not have time and that's when a conversation can quite possibly become the loneliest place, someone may ever encounter. I’m guilty as the next man for this; Yet how can I be longing for a conversation, when often, I to miss people who just want someone just to say ‘Hello’ too, A simple hello could lead to a million things.

Just think what it would be if we just stopped and gave a thoughtful word and a listening ear.  Try to refrain from talking about ourselves and more focus on something as simple as the weather, or some other positive opening conversation matter.

"May words of a conversation never grow idle"

We hear words every day, some are loader and some are silent,  but every word holds value, words are the key component, may we never miss a spoken word the conversation is trying to tell us, and let the words of conversation never grow idle.

'Some people talk too much
Some people talk to little
Some people talk to hushed
Some people talk to loud
For the greatest talking we can learn
Is simply just to listen......'

A conversation, can be beautiful or challenging, our tone should never be aggressive, as aggressive conversation can only create unpleasant feelings, withdrawal and tension.  A challenging conversations always needed to be had from time to time, but we must be considerate of the environment and how others are feeling at that given time.  How often do we yell at another human being 'I say it because I love you' and in that same breath see fearful tears in another's eyes.

"Every good conversation starts with good listening"

The art of conversation, is necessary form of everything in life, it is to listen and be listened to.  Conversation builds relationships, is productive and creative. The art of conversation is like any art of a natural essence of excellence, inclusion and creative execution.

"The art of conversation is to listen and to be listened to."

Some say that in today's society, the conversation is lost to 'modern technology'. It has come far too convenient to email the conversation than to be face to face.  This is a grey area, and one the producer of this blog dare not to enter at this present moment, because I to can be guilty of this.  There are many arguments for and against it and one we shall leave on the shelve for another time.

So in closing may we not ignore conversation, always be open to knowing its boundary or when it is necessary to or not involve others.  Notice where a conversation can be recognised as gossip and are we able to divert it into something of truth, hope and love; Conversation is good and vital, where gossip is an untruthful diversion of the event or fact.

"Be Brave enough to start a conversation that matters!"
- Midlife Writer 

*photo's  in this blog are by Wandering Thoughts , the author of this blog*


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