
Showing posts from 2021


A definitive place Britain is Metropolitan country of diverse culture So, climb aboard let's take a tour. Burns night, to Joel's Holland Hogmanay Counting in the new year with big ben Bonfire nights with sparkles and treats Remembrance Sunday is a time to reflect. The Queen Christmas day speech Trooping of the colour Changing of the guards State opening of Parliament. Pomp and Ceremony. Wimbledon Strawberries as we sit on the lawn Half time footie pies at the FA cup Schools’ sports day and prize giving day Screaming at football, 'Ref' he scored. Dancing around the Mayday pole Morris dancing and County fayres Cheese rolling down the hill. Pride in our inventions and industries Mend it and make do Trades are passed down through generations. Afternoon teas and garden parties Great British cup of tea Great British family Sunday roasts Pancake and valentines dayz Fish and chips by the sea. Forwarding and backing of the clocks Great British weather that we cannot control Rain


Today is not the tomorrow of yesterday. A different set of problems, a different set of rules. A tenancy to do nothing or make the world change. The other side of earth has a very different day. Whilst you gaze at the moon, I will walk in daylight. That's the difference between our different worlds. When the day is new, new hopes are made to. Life’s given in the grief of love and loss. A new day gives new tears and smiles. Today, as with every new day, is a different kind. The hand that gave yesterday does not give today The same words go to different parties every day. Days nettles down to sleep to end the light of day. Shadows darken, as curtains drawn out the light. Some will wait for tomorrow which technically  never comes. -  Midlife Writer 


I wonder if you've noticed nothing stays the same, even in the long-term everything has always got to show a beginning, a middle, and an end. In this new seasons form in all of us.   Wisdom is the confidence to understand the transition from the old to the new. Learning from the experience knowing which to take forward and which to leave behind. Your subconscious will be playing you a game of tug of war; it will make you believe that the old way may be the best and repeatedly invites you to stay. On the flip side of the coin will be its telling progress with the new, even if little is known of the path ahead. It could quite well be ‘not the old not the new, but the necessary. We can load ourselves with all the advice in the world from man but at the end of the day, we get to decide our fate. Must we remind ourselves of the strength of our own hearts and follow it beat through those new gates ahead. Fresh starts no looking back, pack the bags move on out, keeping ever forward an


My task for this weekend was to remove my pandemic quote wall (not literally remove the wall). I have managed to whittle quotes down from 185 to 43, that I collected over a pandemic of 16 months. Quotes that I created myself or that have inspired me through other people; I record these in my written journals and drive my family and friends made when I am with them when my brain vocally delivers them. I've not always been a writer, this is still very new to me. I just love playing with words sometimes they make sense sometimes they don't. My book is in never-ending progress. I've not always been a writer this is still very new to me. Often writing it out frees my mind from the worldly emotions junk, even the glad or the mad. My creative mind discovered it was writing in rhythmic poetic lines A core group of friends five years ago encouraged me to write I won't name them in this blog they know just who they are . Then my creative mind discovered that it was writing i


We would like to go to a big city When money is poor Then we will see more Take a drive with your feet Never too far that becomes explore Until our breath makes us seat Appreciating the view of the space Reminiscing of youth now we are older Sitting in the creation of the space that surrounds us Until it's time to travel back home. Travel through lanes until we reach the seashore Money not being the object of the day The Hills and the sea is our pleasure Appreciating the view of the free space Reminiscing of youth now we are older Sitting in the creation of the space that surrounds us Until it's time to travel back home. We will sit in the park of flowers and trees Say good day to friends and strangers Hear the bird song, the shrill of children play Appreciating the view of the freedom space Reminiscing of youth now we are older Sitting in the creation of the space that surrounds us Until it's time to travel back home. Go out in the gardens, terrace's Share a conversati


  During and within these past crazy times, we are living through, it been so easy just to focus on the negative aspects of what is happening.   Yet we still live in a fallen and broken world, the pandemic has given us renewed hopes.   It has enabled us to slow down our pace and because our pace has slowed down, we are seeing and hearing a lot more around us. It's always been there but life was so rush it often failed to grab our attention. In recent days for some of us, we have seen a huge shift in our personal freedoms. Despite all this there is an atmosphere of caution too as we all wait to see whether these old joys will be removed again, the country does not want future sanctions or lockdowns, that choice is down to us as individuals.   For some, these changes will bring a return of anxiety and the idea of being in crowds again is not something that all of us will enjoy.   The most important thing is that we keep talking about these changes and how they affect us, we should


"We've lost the Grandfather of the nation" - Prince Andrew Not often nor never have I written two blogs on the same day.  I received today's Royal news just as I had finished publishing the blog.  I feel again to tonight to write in tribute at the passing of  'Prince Philip the Duke of Edinburgh.  I'm sure as many watched the ITV programme about the Queen on the night of 8th April that we wouldn't have thought today would be united in grief of the Duke's passing. The first page of my new journal today writes; ' It is with the greatest of sadness that I write in the beginning pages of this journal the saddest day for our monarch and nations. That at midday on 9th April 2021 we learnt the sad news of Prince Philip at the grand old age of 99. Loyal husband, Father, Grandfather and Great GrandFather.' Prince Philp was born on the 10th of June 1921, born to Greek and Danish royal families.  At the age of eighteen months old his family were exiled f


Must start this today, by stating it's not a self-help blog or being the teacher that tells you what to be or do. Actually, I found myself as I was writing it preaching to the writer's self. I can only write from the heart and share my thoughts not to influence in any part any third parties. I wonder how many of us strive to be the acclaimed biggest winners in life or no be interested in the biggest wins to get to the most successful highest level of achievement or accolades. Don't forget that many of our greatest names in history and business came from very humble beings, nor little education or qualifications. Many are or were themselves taught. Endurance in the impatience of time, because impatiens we can learn just how to be ourselves and the right ways and the wrong ways. Time helps with the level of knowledge one needs for their understanding. The greatest way we can teach ourselves is in an empty classroom. We learn from ourselves to light fires to keep ourselves war


We're one year on from when this Virus try to stop us and infect the earth Can you believe that it’s been a whole year since our lives changed so dramatically? Monday 23rd March 2020 will be a day we will probably never forget. But we mustn't look back in anger in the present frustrations of our time.   If this earth has grown smaller then its strength has grown stronger through the resilience, faith, hope of its people. It has brought more heroes than it has villains. Awakened the need and the care of our overstretched underpaid great NHS.   We've learnt very suddenly the skill and minefield of home school, much greater respect for those called to teach our young. We have loved and we've lost, distantly virtuality hugged. We've hidden our faces in social distance spaces, and learn the art of technology to keep us connected. Fighting over toilet rolls, emptying our store of its goods. One thing that we can do is and which is for certain is to locally lace our boot


When I say taking control of the control, I'm not referring to the TV remote control... Control has been recently found its way back in. It's about people wanting what they cannot get; therefore, blame steps in to counteract this and distorts fact from fiction and truth, love and honesty. The here and now, getting what we feel we deserve and blinded by consequences around us. In the end, people are just protesting against anything and everything just for the sake of it. Our Nation has had 12 months of pent up frustration; now we're starting to see that been released dangerously spiralling out of ordered proportion. The world is starting to revolt at a virus that it doesn't care about. Patience has lost its key to our hearts and subconscious minds. Human beings have a deep-seated desire for certainty and control. It helps us believe that we can shape outcomes and events to our liking. ... Control also feels good because it makes us believe that we aren't under someo


So here we are at a puzzled pause; enough time to scribe about the new pandemic winter craze as I wait for a jigsaw puzzle to come knocking at my door. Three have already been done in 3 weeks, whilst the season has been weather changing. And it seems I’m not the only one in this current puzzle frenzied mania. When cartographer John Spilsbury fixed a map to a piece of wood and sawed it up in 1766 into what has become now known as a jigsaw, he could never have imagined that the world would still be looking on their floors for missing pieces more than 250 years later.The creator of the first jigsaw puzzle – Spilsbury termed them dissections, you could walk into almost any family home in modern-day society and find at least one of his inventions on a shelf in a cupboard. During the lockdown, there has been an unexpected upsurge in interest in jigsaws and other puzzles. From inspired depictions of “cosy” sheds to currently off-limits country pubs and taxing single colour images, We have


 My own experience now writes to tell, One was never trained or taught like ABC at taught us all at school, although spellings were my school bag. There is a fond memory (all teachers cover your ears), once the stand-in teacher on a Friday morn thought we were spelling quite well, but what she hadn't seen on the rolling blackboard from behind her stern stood self, we could see the words we were told on Monday had to learn to spell throughout the week at home and at school; wasn't our fault our teacher cried off sick. Y ou may not understand all others and I write; rhymes of my mind. For they are never was or shalt be only the crime of a beautiful designer's creative mind. It doesn't like to sleep forever it shalt think and nudge the pen to scribe, in the middle of the night.  Slow to start in my childhood years but then teenage years, more gold stars would appear and less of the teacher's red mark on our written work. Journals of writing now turned in misexplained a


 Did you read the headline and scream when you saw the title of this blog, 'Not More Covid'.  I promise you can't catch covid through reading a blog, all social distancing and sanitising has been adhered to by the rambling of this writer.  Its been a while since we last blogged spoke, It been a crazy time for us all and 'Random Rambling', has been focusing more on getting her thoughts down in there own personal journal and had less focus on blogging. So make a brew (I'm tea, milk no sugar), sit back and enjoy the ramblings I share with you  Let us, not be jealous or envious of those that have already had a vaccine, we do not know their history story. It not a matter of the prioritized, who had it. Be thankful to them that they have had it and be patient with the system and yourself, your turn will come. For now, focus your energy on keeping yourself and your loved ones safe by adhering to the rules set out for us. None of us likes the rules, but the virus is