Did you read the headline and scream when you saw the title of this blog, 'Not More Covid'.  I promise you can't catch covid through reading a blog, all social distancing and sanitising has been adhered to by the rambling of this writer.  Its been a while since we last blogged spoke, It been a crazy time for us all and 'Random Rambling', has been focusing more on getting her thoughts down in there own personal journal and had less focus on blogging. So make a brew (I'm tea, milk no sugar), sit back and enjoy the ramblings I share with you 

Let us, not be jealous or envious of those that have already had a vaccine, we do not know their history story. It not a matter of the prioritized, who had it. Be thankful to them that they have had it and be patient with the system and yourself, your turn will come.

For now, focus your energy on keeping yourself and your loved ones safe by adhering to the rules set out for us. None of us likes the rules, but the virus is our present enemy. An enemy that is said to be around for a long time to come.

The vaccines are not going to eradicate this virus completely, so we still need to be cautious. The vaccine is there just limit its strength within us. This virus will in time thin out but for the next few years, we all just must adhere to a new way of living through this.

If we watch the news, we become consumed by the News, if we become consumed by the news, we become the news. News corporations do not tell us the clear facts; it based on theory and speculation. Be kind to our own wellbeing on how much we consume.

Also, as life often has taught, trust no one. As for it relating to the vaccine, take it when its offered but still be precautionary especially to the science surrounding it. Not everyone is totally immune. 

The moto 'Keep Well and please keep safe'; is there for a reason and not just a looking word quote. In time we will get through the worst of this.

'To reach the best of something we have to go through the worst of everything. ' 

Be Safe, Be Well, Be Blessed. 

- Midlife Writer 

* Picture is the painting by Sarah Joy Holden, October 2020

* Like what you see don't forget to post comments in the comments section below. And allow this blogger to do a 'Yay Dance'.


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