My task for this weekend was to remove my pandemic quote wall (not literally remove the wall). I have managed to whittle quotes down from 185 to 43, that I collected over a pandemic of 16 months. Quotes that I created myself or that have inspired me through other people; I record these in my written journals and drive my family and friends made when I am with them when my brain vocally delivers them.

I've not always been a writer, this is still very new to me.
I just love playing with words sometimes they make sense sometimes they don't. My book is in never-ending progress. I've not always been a writer this is still very new to me. Often writing it out frees my mind from the worldly emotions junk, even the glad or the mad.
My creative mind discovered it was writing in rhythmic poetic lines
A core group of friends five years ago encouraged me to write I won't name them in this blog they know just who they are. Then my creative mind discovered that it was writing in rhythmic poetic lines; hence why here today a wall of coloured post-it notes quotes and journals full.

I can't reach off my writing mind when it begins to ebb and flow

And all this started because people believed in me and I believed I could. I just wish my brain would choose it time wisely not to wake with a written line or let me get nighttime sleep. I can't switch off my writing mind when it begins its ebb and flow.

My inspirations for writing are found in the chronicles of Narnia, my dad read to us so well when we were small; Roald Dahl, Charlie Mackensy, Max Lucardo, Pam Ayres my inspiration too.

May I encourage us all to write a little something
So now my kitchen wall is empty its time to make a brew, No doubting another journal will be filled again before the end of the day. May I encourage us all to write a little something there is no wrong or right in what you write; I find misspelled words are the best part of the writing adventure, it keeps our thinking mind alive.

I've whittled on now far too long, I think this be now a new writing blog. Thank you for listening please I love to hear your written comments the good and the bad (yes I do have a new writer's name). Who's up for a brew and a slice of naughty cake.


Midlife Writer


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