Must start this today, by stating it's not a self-help blog or being the teacher that tells you what to be or do. Actually, I found myself as I was writing it preaching to the writer's self. I can only write from the heart and share my thoughts not to influence in any part any third parties.

I wonder how many of us strive to be the acclaimed biggest winners in life or no be interested in the biggest wins to get to the most successful highest level of achievement or accolades. Don't forget that many of our greatest names in history and business came from very humble beings, nor little education or qualifications. Many are or were themselves taught.

Endurance in the impatience of time, because impatiens we can learn just how to be ourselves and the right ways and the wrong ways. Time helps with the level of knowledge one needs for their understanding.

The greatest way we can teach ourselves is in an empty classroom. We learn from ourselves to light fires to keep ourselves warm, we learn how to source water to keep ourselves nourished. No man should teach us but only simple advise us on what someone has taught them before.

We all make mistakes and it only the mistakes that make us who we really are But you were not created as a mistake, you have a purpose. Knowledge only comes from trusting our own inner patterns we teach ourselves; We are all our own 24/7 classroom.

We can listen to a million scholars and read a thousand books, but they can only influence their learning money-making skills on us. We can only learn from our merit, fails and what worked for us. Advice is one thing learning is another, the mistake comes when belief says to us they are both an equal thing.

Its how we work within those laws and rules
But above all things the only person that knows us best is as I've already shared with you today, is we know ourselves the best. We know when we work, rest and play. I'm not saying we should disobey the rules and the laws of our lands, it's how we work within those laws and rules that avoid us from the symptoms of fatigue and burnout.

You can't run an engine without fuel.
So in closing and as this blogger always says, take care and look after yourself, 'you can't run an engine without fuel'.  The greatest thing you can be is just you, trust your own instincts, listen to your inner voice it's trying to protect you. Intuition is a greater genius.

Be Safe, Be Well, Be blessed
Midlife Writer 

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