We're one year on from when this Virus try to stop us and infect the earth Can you believe that it’s been a whole year since our lives changed so dramatically? Monday 23rd March 2020 will be a day we will probably never forget. But we mustn't look back in anger in the present frustrations of our time. 

 If this earth has grown smaller then its strength has grown stronger through the resilience, faith, hope of its people. It has brought more heroes than it has villains. Awakened the need and the care of our overstretched underpaid great NHS.
We've learnt very suddenly the skill and minefield of home school, much greater respect for those called to teach our young. We have loved and we've lost, distantly virtuality hugged. We've hidden our faces in social distance spaces, and learn the art of technology to keep us connected. Fighting over toilet rolls, emptying our store of its goods.

One thing that we can do is and which is for certain is to locally lace our boots and go for a walk.  We've learnt to walk and admire more of our local undiscovered places closer to home. More demand for hobbies and puzzle increased as we were forced indoors.

We all remember that night a year ago the night tv interrupted or favourite TV show, Boris first said a lockdown will start from tomorrow; little did we understand back then that three weeks would turn into a year. When we started and ended the 2020 summer applauding NHS and key workers at our doors.

But here we are one on that was then and this is now, although it feels like all days are rolled into one. Never will we forget as we rise and press on, to all We've learnt, lost and won. This battle is not yet over the virus doesn't care to give an expiry date, but vaccines are here to squash its rampant grip. The measures is still in place for a good while to come, in this new outlooking world we live in.

To think last year no vaccines were present for a virus that visited in silence to all lands shores, on something we never experienced before. But now God willingly if we stick to the rules a new kind of normal can cautiously open the world again.

Be Well, Be Safe

- Midlife Writer 


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