When I say taking control of the control, I'm not referring to the TV remote control...

Control has been recently found its way back in. It's about people wanting what they cannot get; therefore, blame steps in to counteract this and distorts fact from fiction and truth, love and honesty. The here and now, getting what we feel we deserve and blinded by consequences around us. In the end, people are just protesting against anything and everything just for the sake of it.

Our Nation has had 12 months of pent up frustration; now we're starting to see that been released dangerously spiralling out of ordered proportion. The world is starting to revolt at a virus that it doesn't care about. Patience has lost its key to our hearts and subconscious minds.

Human beings have a deep-seated desire for certainty and control. It helps us believe that we can shape outcomes and events to our liking. ... Control also feels good because it makes us believe that we aren't under someone else's authority. Take that away, and we become a void of fear and anxiety.

Control takes the reins of leadership, striding ahead, leading the pack. Leadership is good and healthy,
but often the pupil will outsmart the control of leadership for the sake of themselves, often coming from deep-seated physiological issues with themselves to what is around them. There is a very narrow difference between being a leader and a control freak. Leaders do need to direct others when needed, but too often and too many times makes one a control freak. Great leaders know when to give control and when to take control. ... They do not panic, and they master controlling their emotions.

We start now to see the patterns of behaviour unravelling never before seen between the frustration of the people feeling they've lost control and a government trying there best with the information they've got to control. Covid is already having a field with all of our functionality. But that's where I leave that issue; politics, policies and people are a dangerous cocktail when it is shaken and stirred.

You may not always be able to control every situation and every circumstance that lead to its outcomes, but you can control your attitude and responses to it. I'm sure in the vast library of the world out there, you may find resources of self-help materials. 'We cannot change the direction of the wind, but we can adjust the sails.'

Let's end with positive control on this, 'it is better to smell sweet scents than sour tastes on our lips'. Our week's happiest moment and is a day we lose control and find the courage to let go of what feels like needs our control but cannot change.

Till next time, keep well, keep and don't hard on yourself.  Don't forget to leave a comment below.

- Midlife Writer 


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