My own experience now writes to tell, One was never trained or taught like ABC at taught us all at school, although spellings were my school bag. There is a fond memory (all teachers cover your ears), once the stand-in teacher on a Friday morn thought we were spelling quite well, but what she hadn't seen on the rolling blackboard from behind her stern stood self, we could see the words we were told on Monday had to learn to spell throughout the week at home and at school; wasn't our fault our teacher cried off sick.

You may not understand all others and I write; rhymes of my mind. For they are never was or shalt be only the crime of a beautiful designer's creative mind. It doesn't like to sleep forever it shalt think and nudge the pen to scribe, in the middle of the night. 

Slow to start in my childhood years but then teenage years, more gold stars would appear and less of the teacher's red mark on our written work. Journals of writing now turned in misexplained and Confucius scribbling. So let all go write-a-head, spell and tell because if it makes only sense to us then it is written well.

All those scrabble and hangman family games are now paying off quite well, any word is a word now we play the game of 'write n tell'. There is a writer deep inside all of us; We are all storytellers, we all live in a network of communities of stories, its the strongest bond between the two. It's one small part of the essence to live.

It's not the fear of writing that blocks people; its the fear of not writing well, something quite different. I heard so many blogs, newsletters, an article where people are speak-writing to an audience, there common traits like me now apologise for the content waffle - STOP; apologising for your not responsible for other interpolated response to the written things you have written.

'You might not write well every day, but you can always edit a bad page. But you cannot edit a blank page. - Jodi Picoult'.

As my blogger ribbon says; 'You never know where your writing will take you.'
Thanks for listening, don't forget to leave a comment below, Till next time, Be Well. Be blessed, Be safe.

- Midlife Writer 


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