I wonder if you've noticed nothing stays the same, even in the long-term everything has always got to show a beginning, a middle, and an end. In this new seasons form in all of us.  

Wisdom is the confidence to understand the transition from the old to the new. Learning from the experience knowing which to take forward and which to leave behind. Your subconscious will be playing you a game of tug of war; it will make you believe that the old way may be the best and repeatedly invites you to stay. On the flip side of the coin will be its telling progress with the new, even if little is known of the path ahead. It could quite well be ‘not the old not the new, but the necessary.

We can load ourselves with all the advice in the world from man but at the end of the day, we get to decide our fate. Must we remind ourselves of the strength of our own hearts and follow it beat through those new gates ahead. Fresh starts no looking back, pack the bags move on out, keeping ever forward and never glancing back. 

Don’t wait for the perfect season, for we could be waiting for a while. There will come a time when the heart and mind agree the same, by this you’ll know the time is right for your brand-new season to begin. Never make your decisions on your emotions. 

Could now be the time to build on the new season. It's not strange in this time of to as thou hath, of hearing many speak of seasons of change. Even with a new world forming out of this pandemic many eyes are opened to a world of new possibilities. Not knowing what’s ahead the intriguing mix of excitement, fear and dread are what could happen if we stepped out of our comfort zone.

t will no doubt going from the old to the new; turn you around and around, inside out and up and down.  May we all be open to the magic and mystery of each new beginning and old ending (or even new endings) that each individually or corporately bring. 

And I will leave with this little from 'Writer in Rhyme'; "Without seasons there would be no change; And without change, there would be no seasons."

Thanks again for listening, you've been a wonderful audience.

- Midlife Writer 









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