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  WE ALL HAVE A STORY   We have a story to write  Weather written in a book,   published in a magazine  Printed in hardback.  We have a story to write  Even if no one else is interested   Written in a preferred genre Polished, pressed, presented.   We have a story to write  Weather it’s truth or fiction   Best seller or shelf duster Taking its time to be written.  We have a story to write   Formed in our own mind In time and with patience   Written in our own hand. We have a story to write  From the young to the old  Told in our Mother tongue Each and every story told  We have a story to write   Its content we hold dear Critics will take a bite   when it’s verdicts deliver.  We have a story to write  Letting creativity go wild   Be its author - be its scribe, our own words preserved. ©️Sarah Joy

FAMILY HARVEST (Fiction) By Sarah Joy Holden ©️

Grace was a Labourer in the field of her home counties. From dawn till dusk there you would find he, working along side her father. Grace was in her 40's and her father showed the wisdom of his years. There was was also Keith and Will the hired farm hands. Whilst mother stayed home doing the good duties of a devoted mother and wife. Whatever the season or circumstance there was always plenty to do. The neighbouring farm would sometimes lend a hand if needed. Grace, Keith, Will and father would return the favour whe a neighbour needed. Sometimes Grace mother would also lend a hand. No greater time was needed than when it was harvest time. Everyone would pull together to get the harvest in on time. From first light till dusk, Father and farm hands would be tending to their crops. Grace would stay on the farm tending to the needs of the farm yard. Whilst mother was heard singing whilst going about her daily chores.  "For Autumn harvest prepares for the winters feast. &qu


The book of Psalms is an anthology of Hebrew hymns. In the Jewish and Western Christian traditions, there are 150 psalms, The book is divided into five sections, each ending with short verse or a hymn of praise. There are several types of psalms, including songs of praise, communal and individual laments, royal psalms, imprecation, and individual thanksgivings. The book also includes psalms of communal thanksgiving, wisdom, pilgrimage. While many of the psalms contain attributions to King David and other Biblical figures including Asaph, the sons of Korah, and Solomon. The book of Psalms is found in the middle of the bible. The middle psalm is psalm 118:8-9; It is better to trust in the Lord than to put confidence in man. It is better to trust in the Lord than to put confidence in princes . The longest psalm is Psalm 119 with 176 verses; that would take awhile to read the whole 176 verses in one go. The shortest psalm in the bible if found in 117 which only contains two verses


1 Corinthians 3:7; So neither the one who plants nor the one who waters is anything, but only God, who makes things grow. JOY IN HER GARDEN For many years I had a love hate relationship with gardening, that was untill I got my very first garden in 2019. It has transformed a patch of concrete rubble into the little garden that it is today. With the love, hard work and dedication my mum and dad together we've transformed it into a little garden that that it is today.    Sarah is still not an expert but I have enjoyed pottering in the garden.   I've had wonderful horticultural training from the best teachers (my parents) and with their help its has come to be a daily blessing. I'm thankful to them for their hard work and guidance. It is also helps her when volunteering at Horatio garden where she carries out essential house-keeping, to keep plants and garden room looking it best for patients and visitors. Sarah is still learning plant names and now can just about tolerate gard


This is an extension of one of the two poems I have written this week, in response to the tragic events that we have witnessed this week in Southport. - THE MATTER OF TIME -  When times where good, When times where hard. These times we've had, These times now passed. When times have mattered, When times have changed. Those times we've acted, Those times we've deliberated. When times have united, When times have separated. These times we've treasured, These times we've marked. Those times we've trusted, Those times we've prayed. When times we've sinned, When times we've pardoned. When times we have reacted, When times we have paused. Those times we've inspired, Those times we've rebelled. When times we've listened, When times we've ignored. Those times we've blamed, Those times we've loved. They are times unreturned, They are times consigned. These are times remembered, These are times captured. ©️Midlife Writer ~ S.J.Holden


"Hi, how are you, how you doing?...." I can't believe it's been a week since I boarded a train to Criccieth at 9am. I know God was in it especially train travel and meeting new people (no anxiety - ptl). At 1am Sunday I wrote my story plus another little story (I don't write stories, so watch this space), Making it 8 stories written since last years retreat. I met some amazing fellow Christian writers, old and friends; some I've only met via a screen.  Have  you ever heard of the Biblical friends Mary and Martha. Mary, is the artistic poetic philosopher, who is thrilled to just bask in the moment. She is stirred, thrilled, touched and inspired by the presence of Jesus. Maratha, is certainly a doer, she worked her fingers to the bone in her super-efficient way. Yet, here in the story, Jesus rebukes Martha, It’s a gentle rebuke. I guess I've been a bit of Maratha always doing and finding it to rest.  "There was long moments of stillness and silence.&quo


I'm currently sitting on a train heading home after a fabulous 5 days at Criccieth on a christian writers retreat, this is the second year I've been. What a fabulous bunch of creative writers that I've had the blessing of sharing fellowship with and God even blessed us with glorious weather. I  believe I was the only poet amongst the story tellers. I soon discovered that didn't matter as we all write in different genre's, it has one central purpose; we are ' Kingdom Writers', we write to glorify the name of Jesus to our peers and communities. One thing or one word even that was very evident to me was the word 'wait', it appeared at least once in every session. Yes I have all material (actually to much), I'm the person who wants it out now; but perhaps right now isn't the write time. Over the few days I discovered it's a mine field out there in the publishing world, something that is still alien to me. Weather it's next year or in twe


Hello, how are you today ?  I recently attended a Makaton workshop in my area. I am familiar with Makaton as I have virtually grown up with it. But it only in recent years through my church and using when I was undertaking a child care course, that I used it. Sadly I've gone a bit rusty so the course was as a refresher. And actually there were signs and that were new to me. Please feel free to leave a comment or suggestions below in the comments. I have tried to use the information in this blog to the best of my knowledge, any helpful comments will help how I research and create future blogs.  Makaton was first developed by a speech therapist named Margaret Walker in the 1970s. It was named using a few letters from the names of the first three Makaton teachers: Margaret Walker (MA), Katherine Johnston (KA) and Tony Cornforth (TON). Margaret Walker, founder won the Pride of Britain, Special Recognition Award , in 2019 for her dedication to and creation of Makaton.  Today over 100,00


We often question how long or short our poetry ought to be. To long and we risk the audience getting bored and nodding of before the end. But have you ever wondered what is the long ever poem, my brain asked me that question this morning. The answer apparently is said to be ‘The Mahabharata’, written by . Telling the tale of love and warfare between rival families It is seven times the length of The Iliad and The Odyssey combined. And would definitely exceed the word count on any social media platforms, and on here. I’ll let you find it for yourself if you desire to do so. The longest poem in English is ‘King Alfred’ by John Fitchett (1766-1838) of Liverpool, Merseyside, which is said to be 129,807 lines and took four decade’s to write. His editor, Robert Riscoe, added the concluding 2,585 lines. ‘Phew’ and I think beyond 16 lines is to big, and to when it was written there will have been no technology, no spell checker back then, possibly all written by hand and memory; is it any wond


Eleanor Butler (1739-1829) and Sarah Ponsonby (1755-1831) met in 1768 when Sarah was a teenager and Eleanor was in her late twenties. Both were members of wealthy families from the Irish aristocracy and both were set on not being married off, the usual fate for women of their social standing at the time. They were so committed to their freedom that 10 years later they attempted to flee the country together, disguised as men. The escape was prevented by their families . After some discussion, the two women were allowed to leave Ireland for Wales. There, they travelled around for a while before settling down and ‘retiring’ in Llangollen, in 1780 at Plas Newydd (now aged 25 and 41). Here they would live for nearly fifty years with their servant Mary Carryl and a series of dogs. When they moved in, their house was a tiny cottage with three window s and was named Pen-y-maes on the Afon Cyflymen. However, the Ladies had big plans for the place. They renamed it Plas Newydd (the New Palace in


Earth day, reminds us of the importance of environment conservation. Know its date, theme, history, and more. Earth Day is an annual event observed across the globe to demonstrate support for environmental protection. This year it fell on 22 April, and I'm aware at the time this was written its drawing to the end of that day and some people will be reading this blog after 22nd April. This started out as a poetry promt from one of the poetry groups I'm linked to, I quickly realised its length and had to be a blog. But still the purpose is still the same.  "Earth this is your day, a day dedicated to you. Earth day you make us aware of the trauma we put you through; The junk we thow into the sea and earth. The earth is the Lord's and he made it good; So why do we destroy it with one hand then try saving it with the other hand. Is it to late to save this planet with it's dwindling green spaces and creatures becoming extinct. What will leave the generations beyond our o


GOOD FRIDAY In all plain sight I see my saviours plight At Calvary in the daylight Until daylight turns night I turned my face away As I heard his anquish cry Mary cries 'no not my boy' For my sins Christ died today I see the sign above his head 'King of the Jews', it said From his hands 'n' feet he bled At His cross, here I am stood He said 'he'll never leave me' For this we all must believe Holding on with Faith and Hope There is a greater day to come L is for the love Jesus has for me I am the reason He died on the cross For His sacrifice we've been set free Every thankful for the sacrifice He gave. ©️Sarah Joy Holden


GOD OUR FATHER Our master has spoken, We are His children, It me He has chosen, He's our strong foundation. I'll give Him all of my devotion, Picks us up when we are broken, In our weakness, He will strengthen, He love's us without condition. He is our daily portion, Our life's daily hydration, He's our daily oxygen, Our daily destination. For us, gave His life as a token, By His wounds we're forgiven, We share in His communion, He is my life's precious reason. For us, His door is always open, Creator of all earth and ocean, He shows each of us compassion, Serving Him, is my mission. Nothing from Him is hidden, On His heart our name is graven, He is our exhalation 'n' adoration, Always available to guide 'n' listen. He holds our captivation, He is our daily mediation, In Him is our salvation, In Him the victory is won. ~ Midlife Writer  Wishing all of you a blessed Easter. Please don't forget to leave a comment below and remember clocks g


  Your Attention please ladies and gentlemen May I introduce you to this wonderful anthology 'Invisible Poets Anthology one. Not only does it encourage poets like its contributors; but every sale the money goes to save the children.This is going to be the greatest book you've read, it's packed with amazing authentic poetry.  Available through Amazon UK and Barns 'n' Noble (USA), every purchase saves a child's life, across our world. So what are you waiting for, this is something you can't ignore. Order it, buy and donate copies to you local libraries.  Buy it, read it; leave a positive Amazon review on tinernet, Share it on your socal media, get your copies today. Let get the message spread far and wide,  each one of can play our part no matter how big or small.  And whilst you're there pick up the Wheelsong Anthology Trilogy Books one, two and three, and help save a child's life today. Once again these books are packed with authentic poetry. So pl


So this week I received a really helpful lesson to my writing. An area that has always been an barrier; Punctuation that little toerag that keeps tripping me up. Even now it's casting shadows over this blog. Although the next book of my poetry is at the draft stage. It may or may not get published. That is the reality I've learnt to accept. At the present time, I'm starting lighting the fires; trying to gain interest in some possibilities. Whist also overcoming endless battle with punctuation.  I'd like to suggest if you're ever thinking of being the next big thing in the world of publication is start with a small audience, friends or family for example. Something else I may like to suggest is trying getting work into anthologys or writing competitions. In the past 12 months I have for the first time had several of my poems published in anthologies. The main benefit of being in an anthology is the fact that you have strength in numbers. There are more people behin


   JOYS AND PERILS OF WORDS  I love to play with with words Words we all use in our everyday I love discovering new words Watching how they form and play I love being a prolific daily wordsmith Poetry and verse is my daily fix There isn't one subject I write about I write about things as they happen It helps us process the world around me Our world is filled with endless content Never missing an opportunity to write Fitting it in alongside our daily routines We don't have to look very far for words For they meet and greet us all day long Words that inspired greatest ever speeches Words that have defined the course of history I love to hear polite spoken words Words from all poets old and new Poets and writers like me and you Zephaniah, name just few Words written the rules of five or ten Poetry comes with all kinds of definitions Don't be alarmed, by rules and opinion Let creative words, flow from your hearts Words fall easily from the tongue Sometimes without


Horatio Garden is an award-winning, national charity which improves the lives of everyone, affected by spinal injury; Through creating and nurturing beautiful garden spaces in NHS spinal injury centres. Renowned garden designers and architects develop these peaceful havens, creating a thriving community that becomes an integral part of people's lives whilst in hospital. The charity employs a head gardener who works with with a dedicated team of wonderful volunteers (including me). They tend to the garden to ensure it is a stunning sanctuary year-round and organise for patients enjoyment and supporting their rehabilitation. The charity is named after Horatio Chapple, who was a volunteer at the spinal Centre in Salisbury during his school holidays. Horatio came up with the original idea for the garden. His life was tragically cut short in the summer of 2011 at the age of 17. He died while on an adventure holiday to Svalbard with the British Schools Exploring Society, He was was