Sheila sat in a library of surrounding her, watching the the book launch of her friend Mandy's novel. Sheila could hear the chatter of reviews. Yet sadness grew inside of her, although happy for Mandy, she wondered could and should this be her. 

Both Sheila and Mandy had been part of the same writers group based in Lancashire for many years; both with a passion for creative writing.
Sheila and Mandy always had a dream to one see the words in print, yet Sheila always suffered with low self confidence. Mandy however is the assertive one among them both. Mandy see's an opportunity and follows it through. Sheila is more thoughtful and very much a day dreamer (tomorrow will do).

So let's head back now into the library, Sheila smiles and interacts politely with Mandy's guests as she heads towards the cafe area. She knows she has to put her own feelings aside because this is Mandy's day. Sheila is one of those silent servant characters, always lending a hand where needed. Suddenly from the kitchen door she hears a familiar voice 'How did I know I'd find you in here; It was Mandy 'come on, I want to introduce to someone.'

Sheila stopped what she was doing and followed Mandy back into the room. There Sheila introduced her to Tom. Tom's a mentor for writers, Mandy announced, I was sharing our friendship journey with him and he would like to work with you on your book. 

 Now to Sheila, Tom was a handsome fellow, for wholm she was insanity was smitten with. Mandy, left them to get to know each other.
'So, said Tom tell about yourself. Sheila took her opportunity and shared with Tom how one day she longed to be a published author at an event like Mandy's tonight.

Suddenly there was a tap on a glass and the was room called to order. Mandy called Sheila over to her. Excuse me Tom I'm needed, we'll talk more later, yes. Tom smiled at her and replied yes let's. Mandy thanked everyone for coming and thanked Sheila and others for their support. Sheila and Tom eyes caught each others across the room as they gave each other a discrete smile. 

 Speeches over book signing began, Sheila quietly headed backwards the kitchen.
Hello Sheila we meet again, a voice again called, this time it wasn't Mandy but Tom, now about your book. If you are willing I'd like to help you.

Seven years past and Tom and Sheila had become a couple. Mandy had published several more books and was now living overseas becoming a famous writer. Sheila and Mandy kept in touch but not as often as Sheila would have liked. Sheila kept on her writing with Tom's help.

Then Sheila day had finally arrived, it was her moment to stand in the library at her own book launch. She wished that Mandy could have been here to share this moment with her. Sheila stood before her audience to give her presentation.
As Sheila looked out across the room a familiar face stopped her in her tracks. For there smiling back at her was Mandy. At the end, Sheila rushed towards Mandy giving a big hug. 'I thought you wouldn't come' replied Sheila. 'I wouldn't have missed it for the world' said Mandy.

And so now Mandy and Sheila's books stand side by side in that very library and in every book store across the world. Tom and Sheila together now run their own publishing house with Mandy as their overseas rep. Tom and and Sheila are soon to be wed and of cause Mandy will be the matron of honor.

Although this story is a fictional story with all its fictional characters; it does however tell us that our dreams and hopes can in time possibly come true.


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