Bernadette boarded her train and selected herself a window seat; Removing the bag from her shoulder and placed it close by her side. She started to settle into her own space, preparing for the journey ahead of her. After awhile, the train starts of on it's journey and for once it actually leaves on time. 

Bernadette notices a gentleman sat opposite her with a pen behind his ear and a notebook held closed with a tatty old shoe lace. The train now gathering speed as trees go whizzing past. Bernadette turns away, remembering what her mother always told her, it's rude to stare. The gentleman now unties his notebook and takes the pen from behind his ear and begins to observe the carriage. 

Suddenly, Bernadette hears footsteps behind her, and a voice that shrills 'Tickets Please'. Bernadette is reassured by the ticket masters voice and holds her ticket towards him, trying to acknowledge him whilst trying to avoid the glances of gentleman opposite. 

Now the ticket master has moved on and the gentleman is jotting down his notes. Bernadette's curiosity suddendly gets the better of her. And blurts out a waterfall of words; 'excuse me sir for asking, I hope you don’t find me rude, but may I ask who or what is interesting you on our carriage; 'Not rude at all' the gentleman replied, As a matter of fact I'm writing about you and all these passengers on my train, you'll find out in good time.

There was a stunned silence for the rest of the journey. Bernadette quietly and thoughtfully, tried to process what had just happened. Now Bernadette's gaze held it view upon the passing of the outside world. Soon the train slows its speed as it approaches another station. The gentleman puts his pen back behind his ear and ties closed his notebook, as he prepares to leave as the train has reached his destination.

 'Bernadette, you fool (thinking to herself), why didn't you ask him if you and your fellow passengers could have heard it. But it was to late as she watches him exit the station. Now the train pulls away from the gentleman's station, now she'll never know or so she thought. Today Bernadette encountered a strange yet intriguing fellow and somehow has possibly become a character of his story.

As the train now finally approaches Bernadette's station, and taking the bag once again onto her shoulder. Bernadette's train arrives at the station, at the end of the line. Just as Bernadette is about to disembark the train conductor hands her a crumpled note; I've been asked to give you this said the conductor, for which I have no answer for. Bernadette thanks the conductor as she takes the note from his hand. Bernadette heads to a nearby station bench, before leaving the station. Bernadette opens the crumpled note and reads it to herself; in answer to you question, you'll possibly find yourself somewhere in my new book called 'Strangers on the train. Please don't look for it now, remember I was just writing on your train, which was also my train.

But to this very day Bernadette has never come across him nor his book. Which would leave Bernadette and us readers, was it fact or ficton. What had he written and will Bernadette ever truely discover the mystery of the stranger on her train.

- Midlife Writer ©️ 

NB: It would really be helpful to Midlife Writer to hear your thoughts on any of these. Is there anything that might be helpful or what you may or may not like.  If so please leave a comment in the comments section below.


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