
Showing posts from March, 2020


Hello, bare with me as you and I travel through my latest 'Wandering Thoughts'; I believe its toughest I've written to date.  I'm like many right now, we're uncertain of where it is heading or where the world is at.  I have tried hard to understand and how to write in these troubled times something so relevant that is foggy focused to many of us. I feel the title speaks for the content in which it writes hopefully to our heart and soul. "Everyone believes they have the answers" January night sky 2020 by Sarah Holden The world, in a matter of days has become more fearful;  It is fearful because change has hit our nations at such a speed and confusion that no one could possibly have predicted.  We are fearful because we've been faced with death on an extortionate scale. We have seen it coming from a distance and now suddenly becoming a day to day world that is trying to find answers and solutions to a crisis never witnessed before. Everyone believ


So ones decided I'm running my own daily journal of my experiences of how its affecting me day by day. It won't appear on Social media, although certain extracts may appear in in my blogs. Why not try it for yourself.. Its to weird be even thinking this, because to most of us were all like, I haven't a clue whats going on or what I'm safe and legal to be doing, beyond our personal space of four or more walls. I've really struggled to give this blog a title, Is it politically correct to use Coronavirus in the title (I'm happy to take suggestions). Llyn Crafnant, Trefriw, photo by WT The purpose or theory to writing a journal post each day allows you to direct your focus, on what you've accomplished, what your grateful for and what you are committed to doing better tomorrow. Thus you enjoy your journey more each day. It could be a morning journal or an evening entry, you may even whilst you still can go sit in a park or any green space and let your t


Happy International Women's Day 2020. To all the women who believe in us give us the courage to press on, see our worth when we can't see it for ourselves. Today we celebrate, all woman of every race, creed and nation; The Good, The Bad, The pretty, The Ugly. The Weird;  Weather famous or just people like ya mam or nan. IWD was founded way back in 1975 In 1977, the United Nations General Assembly invited member states to proclaim March 8 as the UN Day for women's rights and world peace. After the Socialist Party of America organised a Women's Day in New York City on February 28, 1909, German delegates Clara Zetkin, Kate Duncker and others proposed at the 1910 International Socialist Woman's Conference that "a special Women's Day" be held annually. After women gained suffrage in Soviet Russia in 1917,  So then the 8th March, became a national holiday there.[The day was then mainly celebrated by the socialist movement and the former communist count