FAMILY HARVEST (Fiction) By Sarah Joy Holden ©️

Grace was a Labourer in the field of her home counties. From dawn till dusk there you would find he, working along side her father. Grace was in her 40's and her father showed the wisdom of his years. There was was also Keith and Will the hired farm hands. Whilst mother stayed home doing the good duties of a devoted mother and wife.

Whatever the season or circumstance there was always plenty to do. The neighbouring farm would sometimes lend a hand if needed. Grace, Keith, Will and father would return the favour whe a neighbour needed. Sometimes Grace mother would also lend a hand.

No greater time was needed than when it was harvest time. Everyone would pull together to get the harvest in on time. From first light till dusk, Father and farm hands would be tending to their crops. Grace would stay on the farm tending to the needs of the farm yard. Whilst mother was heard singing whilst going about her daily chores. 

"For Autumn harvest prepares for the winters feast. "

As dusk fell over the land, Grace Father and farm hands returned to the comforts of home. Mother would say 'wash your hand and prepare for supper. As each returned back to the table clean and tidy. Father will you say grace, mother would say. Father thanked the Lord for the food and hands that had prepared it.

Family round the table, filled with chatter and laughter. After supper father would retire to the parlour with a glass of stout. Mother and Grace would clear down the table and tidy the kitchen. They then joined father in the parlour and listen to 'the Archers on the radio. This was followed by the news and weather. Grace would say goodnight to father and mother before going to bed. Not long after mother and father would go up to bed too.

Then it would be dawn again and the family would rise, see to the farm before coming indoors. For this day was unlike the rest, for this was the day of rest. And everyone would but on their Sunday best, and wander down to the village church. Here they said good-day to all including farm hands Keith and Will, and there better half's. For this Sunday was special, it was harvest festival. Everyone brought something from their land and estates. The Vicar would bless it with a thankful prayer. Gladys would strike up the organ and everyone would sing a harvest song. The Vicar would share from the word of God. And gaurteed halfway through we'd hear farmer Norman in the back, grunt and snore. after church, families returned home; for a good helping of a Sunday roast. This followed by a Sunday little stroll by the flowing brook. 

Grace and mother would pick wild flowers. All would return home; flowers in a jar. Shortly after everyone would head off to bed. Tomorrow was another workday and although the harvest was done there was always more work to do.  


Christine said…
Thanks Sarah Joy. You really brought the old times alive in this piece. Would you consider writing something about the farm and the family etc for Christmas please? Not yet though!

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