Earth day, reminds us of the importance of environment conservation. Know its date, theme, history, and more. Earth Day is an annual event observed across the globe to demonstrate support for environmental protection. This year it fell on 22 April, and I'm aware at the time this was written its drawing to the end of that day and some people will be reading this blog after 22nd April. This started out as a poetry promt from one of the poetry groups I'm linked to, I quickly realised its length and had to be a blog. But still the purpose is still the same. 

"Earth this is your day, a day dedicated to you. Earth day you make us aware of the trauma we put you through; The junk we thow into the sea and earth.
The earth is the Lord's and he made it good; So why do we destroy it with one hand then try saving it with the other hand. Is it to late to save this planet with it's dwindling green spaces and creatures becoming extinct.

What will leave the generations beyond our own, a larger carbon foot print no doubt. What will we throw into the atmosphere, please not an ocean filled with more plastic waste. To think before we throw stuff away, I to stand guilty for that.

Everyday needs to be an earth day, shared responsibility to love and care for this precious gift weve been asked to look after, in our earthly days. This is not a poem (although it started out to be), not story or headline but our living reality."

🌏 🌎 🌍


The earth is green
This is how it should be
No plastic in the ocean 
Let sealife swim free

The Earth is the Lord's 
And everything in it
We are its caretakers 
Look what we've done to it

Our once Greenfield sites
Now concrete uran spawl 
Habitats fight for its rights 
Green rolling hills, now landfill 

It's time to claim our earth back 
From pollution and destruction 
Plant more trees and less plastic 
Greener planet for the next generation.

©️Sarah Joy

Midlife Writer 


Christine said…
Hi Sarah Joy. This is really good, thank you, bot the introduction and the poem. If there is space in our newsletter for May or June, would be happy for us to include it? It could have your name or be anonymous - up to you.

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