
Showing posts from October, 2020


Here is a random thought for a Saturday afternoon. Where is the middle of your book? Before we even to begin to answer this question first we must start at the beginning. How many of us pick up that fresh new book and read the back before the middle or the beginning? That seems a bit pointless of having the book at all. ‘You do not write the first scene, before you know the last scene.’ To know the end, you must go deep into its heart, take the book as a whole and enjoy its journey like nothing else around us matters. John Grisham recently on said; ‘The one piece of advice I give to students who are studying literature is that “You do not write the first scene until you know the last scene” otherwise you get lost in the middle, and the story becomes pointless .’              That quote really struck out for me, I am more interested in the writing and the outcome than I am in into reading books. So often I will try to read a book and give up halfway through. I don’t think I have ever


Our mental wellness is vitally important to each of us; Especially in these present uncertain and unprecedented days. It is as important to look after our own mental health wellbeing but also to look out for those that are close to you.  Today is a day that we call 'World Mental Health Day'. It is an international day for global mental health education, awareness and advocacy against social stigma. Mental Health illness is real and happens to real people like me and you, pardon that cliche but it is as real as a broken bone in your body. We wouldn't ignore broken bones and in the same way, 'Mental Illness should have the same respect. Why not take a look at the 'World Mental Health' website to find a way that you can support the many charity's that support and advocate for better mental health wellness. Also, here in the UK, you can visit the MIND website. .  World Men