
Showing posts from April, 2020


The following poem was written on a Sunday afternoon (26/04/2020), from the pen of the thoughtful mind of Sarah Joy.  It is brought life as the rains thunders on the ground, following many sunshine days.  Writing is one way of getting our thoughts down on what is going on, unscrambling the brains thought patterns and trying to be as creative expressive in many forms as one can. THESE ARE THE NEW TIMES These are the hardest of the days as we grow longer apart These are the days our heart sags, for only comforted by virtual humans These are the days where virtual hugs are made spoken These are the days where rainbows become our new windows to the world These are the days we applaud our heroes of the Nations These are the days we question the news, as it spreads unnecessary fears These are the days we question the rights and wrongs These are the days of virtual classrooms, work-places n homes These are the days your Sunshine moves away from o


Well hello to you again dear reader; How are you in this crazy fully or partially isolate (lock down) world we find ourselves in? How are you finding it being you. Just being you, maybe a new exciting adventure or a really scary process.There is so much out there at the moment isn't there, with all the self help advice all the usual do's and don't's. But what happens when we just step back from it all and just be the person we were created to be. 'If it make's you happy, why not.' It is important to listen to the right advice at this time like how to keep our self's at social distancing and safe. But when it comes to hows, whens, why's of our own character; That is our choosing. We may want to be in our pj's all day that's called personal choice and I believe if it makes you happy why not.Just be you, let people see or hear the real imperfect, flawed, crazy, weird, magical , beautiful you. 'If we don't, allow ourselves time


So here we are finding ourselves learning a whole new way of living, that has been thrown upon our Nations. Our life's restricted to the minimum, a new set of rules and fast paced decisions of a global virus, that is claiming life after life. "The World keeps turning." But its a world that needs looking after, now more than ever, A world that needs to become more selfless than selfish.  It is frightening and frustrating time because we are experiencing the unknown way of living  But as they say the world still keeps turning, slowing down a little more than we are used to, is that such a bad thing. When we pass someone in the street trying to be two meters apart, when we struggle with the new ways of shopping, When the ques are outside the banks; When the police ask us to move on, when our NHS tries to help you. Remember we are not the only ones frustrated by these restrictions. "The Old world is dying, and a new world struggles to be born." Amidst