I'm currently sitting on a train heading home after a fabulous 5 days at Criccieth on a christian writers retreat, this is the second year I've been. What a fabulous bunch of creative writers that I've had the blessing of sharing fellowship with and God even blessed us with glorious weather.

I believe I was the only poet amongst the story tellers. I soon discovered that didn't matter as we all write in different genre's, it has one central purpose; we are 'Kingdom Writers', we write to glorify the name of Jesus to our peers and communities.

One thing or one word even that was very evident to me was the word 'wait', it appeared at least once in every session. Yes I have all material (actually to much), I'm the person who wants it out now; but perhaps right now isn't the write time. Over the few days I discovered it's a mine field out there in the publishing world, something that is still alien to me. Weather it's next year or in twenty years time, God knows, he is the master of all time. 

I know there is alot of editing, learning and clarification to come from me still. I've listened to some great advice over the past few days. Also I'm receiving some practical support in my creative writing back here at home, which has been invaluable. 

In the meantime I will continue to bless the world of social media with my 'prolific writing'. One of the leaders shared in one the sessions what blessing and witness my writing and sharing was on Facebook; they had no idea that I've been struggling with this. My feeling where the opposite, that it was to much for some people.  

And as I now nearer home (this is been written on the train) sat with the wonderful talented authour Alex; I wonder and WAIT what has God has got in store next. I'll definitely continue writing, and the pen is itching to get writing. Who, where, what or why is up to the world around me; the world is my writing inspiration.

Ah' hello home and hello reality, thank you for a wonderful holiday. The world has so many wonderful writers. And thanks to the many new and old friends made at this retreat, you have all been amazing. All is left for me to say is, 'Watch this space', there is much more to come from this Kingdom Writer.

Midlife Writer 


Christine said…
I think the word WAIT is a hard one for many people, myself included. Thank you for the reminder of its importance.
Natasha Woodcraft said…
I think there were 4 or 5 poets there, actually. You certainly weren’t the only one 😀 I’m glad you found it so helpful. Natasha x

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