Welcome to the second part of 'Save The Children' blogs. The eagle eyed amongst may have spotted a view discrepancies. Finally new technology has now decided that it is playing ball, and hopefully  this blog will read smoothly, than the first. If you're reading the second part before the first part, stop turn around and read part one before part two and hopefully the two should link in.

In the first blog, we went on the journey of Save the Children and it's founder's Eglantyne Jebb and Dorothy Buxton. Quite interestingly it was only two years ago I discovered the local connection. I you told in the first of these blogs I had something very special to share with you, well its exciting for me at least.

Back in July of this year, my best friend introduced me to a poetry page on Facebook called 'invisible poets'; it has been a really blessing to me as a writer, finding a community where upon I can  get to share my work and hear some amazing poetry. On the 4th September I received an email to say my poems had got into 'Wheelsong Poetry Anthology.' Would you consider to buy into the Wheelsong vision? Poetry against poverty!

On 19 September 2023 'Wheelsong Poetry Anthology 3' will be released; which features some of my poems and will be my first time featured in an Anthology. Money from the sale of this book will go directly to 'Save The Children'. It will be available through Amazon and other outlets mentioned.

Three pounds can feed a malnourished child for a month. Three pounds can buy two sterile birthing kits. Three pounds stretches along way for the relief of deprivation or disaster. Every three pound profit reached from every Wheelsong Poetry Anthology sold on Amazon.

Dear reader would you consider purchasing a copy of Wheelsong Anthologys and help children in crisis, through the work of 'Save The Children.' Christmas is fast approaching, so maybe this could be a Christmas present option for your friends and family.

This is definitely getting my foot on the ladder, helping towards my goal of producing my own book of poetry and short stories. Finally congratulations must also go to friends Claire Sutton and Sarah Sansbury in also featuring in this Anthology.

And there it is the rest as they say is up to you. Take care thanks for reading, please don't forget that you can leave a comment below, so go buy yourself a copy.

- Midlife Writer 


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