Blog No.40 🥳

*Short Fiction by Sarah Joy Holden ©️

Every morning from my window I see him sat outside the library door. He's waiting to be let inside and every evening I watch him leave bang on five.

Yet, when I call at the library I never see him there.  If I enquire the librarians don't know who he is, they like me see him only at the door but never is he seen on the inside. Yet he's not an employee and he's neither inside nor outside by day or by night. We know he enters and leaves each day but that's all we witness.

If they are seeing him too, then I know I'm not going mad. It a complete mystery  that he vanishes without trace. The library isn't that big for him to be lost inside; but he always enters and always leaves via the same door. 

No one in the town ever see's him, yet they know he enters and leaves the library. He isn't known to the local constabulary or at any hostelry. He is simply a gentleman of mystery, that arrives at the library just before opening, goes in and then leaves at closing time. We've tried to wait outside to see if we could catch him and enquire. Yet he must sense our arrival and hides till the coast is clear.

We've all asked ourselves the questions; Is he a shadow or a figure of our imaginations. Could he be the pages of fiction or non fiction category. We've explored all these theorys, and all have been fruitless. To all who've seen or unseen him, he is just a mystery, who vanishes without trace within those library walls. And guaranteed he be there again tomorrow and the mystery will forever continue for us all.

- Midlife Writer ©️ 


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