On Saturday July 15th 2023, I went with my church Prospects group to see 'The Chester Mystery Plays' at Chester Cathedral. The cast, from all backgrounds, ages and abilities of community theatre. Which for me made that extra bit special as in the performance itself.

In my experience it was probably the most spectacular and emotional performance of the Bible timeline, I've ever witnessed. Even now 4 days on its still having a profound effect on me, as well as my friends that where with me. The setting of the cathedral, the sound and atmosphere, really made you feel that you where right there in the heart of the events of its day.

For me it was the crucifixion, it just broke me; and I could see in the audience a child hugged into his mother. On the other from me, I saw three friends holding each other.  Women were crying in the auditorium, the music was powerful and I became for a moment like everyone else, a sense that we were not in Chester cathedral but in 'The Garden of Gethsemane,  At the cross at Calvary itself.

Full credit must be given to all cast and crew, for their exceptional hardwork and dedication. It is clear to see why it is every five years of planning, writing and casting. It certainly will be something I will remember for a very long time.

I am a creative writer and was able to really appreciate the script writing and performance. It is so hard to explain its emotional and spiritual power to those who weren't part of it.  I highly recommend it to anyone to go and see these outstanding performances. But you'll have to wait, the next one won't be now until 2028. 

~ Midlife Writer 


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