A short story by Sarah Joy Holden ©️

It was a usal night of little sleep. Her inner head was a racetrack of thoughts and words. As she finished her last poetry line, 'Who is going to read it at this late early hour, she wondered.' There's only myself awake, the rest of town is fast asleep. Then, through the dark silence, she heard a call at her window;It was owl. And it comforted to know she wasn't alone after all.

She stepped towards the window as the owl's eyes met with hers, with a startled surprise. 'What are doing up at my hour?' asked owl. She answered,'Cannot sleep', I've written a poem, but the world is asleep there's no about to hear it.

'Then what am I' owl replied'. 'O', please forgive me.' I never knew you were there until we came face to face. Would you like to hear it. 'too-wit too-woo' I most certainly do, "replied owl.Okay, fair enough, are you perched comfortably, then I'll begin.

"A rhyme in the head
Notebook by my bed
Every thought penned
Besides the pillow laid
A line filters in my mind
Written and recorded
Wonderful if it's published
I mustn't race too far ahead
As my eyes draw closed
In my dreams, they are laid.

O' how sweet owl replied, its fit for the King of England to hear. He may even read it to the Queen Consort, as they lay at night in bed. Do you really think so she replied, as she rubbed her tired eyes. Would it be something they'd would read, it is rather a private piece. Um, no, I don't think I will bother them with it. 'Private' exclaimed owl, that cannot be when you've read it to me.

Well said, owl 'after all it is your work, to do with it as you please. But please allow me to share with you a ta-woo story.' There once was a prolific writer just like you, and she wrote a poem about Queen Elizabeth II Platinum jubilee. She posted on to social media and wondered how thrilling it would be if she sent it to Buckingham Palace. So that's exactly what she did, never really expecting a reply months we from February to June the jubilee celebrations weekend, But still no reply. On the Tuesday after in the afternoon through her letter box came a royal reply and a media story came from that.

'So' said owl why don't you give it a try?" That's very sweet of you owl; but this will stay here within my notebook, and when the world wakes, they'll see it for themselves, the pleasers and the critics.

O' My dear child, getting his feathers all in a flap. Just look at the time; my night shift is almost done. I must return home and get my daily shut eye; she sighed. Yes, I too must try." And with that away, owl flew. She crawled back under her covers. She was thankful someone heard her words, even if it was just the owl.


- Midlife Writer- 07/03/23


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