It's not everyday someone receive a Royal reply; One small thought, one small idea. It all started back in February and the start of the celebrations in honor of her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, platinum jubilee. Back in April a certain young person penned a poem and for this historic occasion. They decided maybe our Majesty might like to read this poem dedicated to her. So of it rolled from the printer on the most specialist paper the writer could find, and sent it on its way.

It would be nice, the writer thought as they wandered there way home under the trees of the park. But even if they never get a reply at least they tried. You see it is said 'her Majesty' receives almost 300 pieces of mail a day. So what a wonderful surprise, one afternoon, shortly after the June platinum bank holiday, that long awaited letter and card of thanks came through their letter box.

Well of course there was great joy all around. Their patience had finally been rewarded they wouldn't be going in 'tower of London', after all. Soon the news was spread across the nation; well those that knew of this prolific and now Royal writer.

Then one day not very long ago, the local press got wind of this Royal tale.  An interview date was set; and on a sunny morn writer and reporter met.  Wheels were set in motion to await its publication. Yet no sooner had the writer had time to draw breath, it appeared on the press social media page a few hourslater. It caused a spiral of social media likes, shares and pings. And the writer just celebrated with a brew, with a toast of thanks to her Majesty. 

A week went by and the writers life was retuning to some Normality again. That was until they sat in the garden with a brew, opened the first page of the local paper and their face was looking back at them. 

So, just like the writer who took the courage to share her poems to Queen Elizabeth II. So may we find the courage like a Lion to follow our dreams and ambitions. They may not happen straight away, but their is no harm in setting the wheels in motion. And never worry if those dreams and ambitions don't work out, you have done your very best. And patience is one of life's precious gifts we all learn everyday. 

- Midlife Writer ©️ 


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