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It's not everyday someone receive a Royal reply; One small thought, one small idea. It all started back in February and the start of the celebrations in honor of her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, platinum jubilee. Back in April a certain young person penned a poem and for this historic occasion. They decided maybe our Majesty might like to read this poem dedicated to her. So of it rolled from the printer on the most specialist paper the writer could find, and sent it on its way. It would be nice, the writer thought as they wandered there way home under the trees of the park. But even if they never get a reply at least they tried. You see it is said 'her Majesty' receives almost 300 pieces of mail a day. So what a wonderful surprise, one afternoon, shortly after the June platinum bank holiday, that long awaited letter and card of thanks came through their letter box. Well of course there was great joy all around. Their patience had finally been rewarded they wouldn't b


Queen Elizabeth II (6 February 1952 – present) has become the longest-lived British monarch, become the longest-reigning British monarch. She can also lay claim to being the world’s oldest reigning monarch and the longest-reigning queen regnant in history. Today we are spectators in the history and reign of the United Kingdom’s longest and oldest serving monarch Queen Elizabeth II. Some are just in infancy of days of being under her regain guaranteed to witness in the appropriate time, see a new Monarch crowned. Some of us have been under her regain for our own years and some have been living through her whole regain for 70 years. Some people are able to say they have also lived under the latter years of her father King George VI regain. I'm not sure about anyone else but I feel such an overwhelming sense of pride to be living in an age of such an iconic living legend; that of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. That she belongs to us the Great British Isles, we are all somewhere al


This year, on 6 February 2022 will mark 70 years since Queen Elizabeth II, came to the throne upon the death of her father King George VI in 1952. A new Monarch comes to the throne at the moment of death of the previous Monarch, hence the phrase, 'The King is dead, long live The King! (or Queen)' It is custom within the state. On the 8 February, once Her Majesty had returned from Kenya, Queen Elizabeth II, took an oath known as the Accession Declaration. Being declared as queen by her privy and executive councils shortly afterwards. For this which she pledged to maintain the established Protestant succession. However, the coronation of Elizabeth II took place on 2 June 1953 at Westminster Abbey in London; held more than one year late. This was is due to the tradition of allowing an appropriate length of time to pass after a monarch dies before holding such occasions. Her Majesty has gone on to reign longer than any other British Monarch in history, and to become a much belo