
Showing posts from August, 2021


Today is not the tomorrow of yesterday. A different set of problems, a different set of rules. A tenancy to do nothing or make the world change. The other side of earth has a very different day. Whilst you gaze at the moon, I will walk in daylight. That's the difference between our different worlds. When the day is new, new hopes are made to. Life’s given in the grief of love and loss. A new day gives new tears and smiles. Today, as with every new day, is a different kind. The hand that gave yesterday does not give today The same words go to different parties every day. Days nettles down to sleep to end the light of day. Shadows darken, as curtains drawn out the light. Some will wait for tomorrow which technically  never comes. -  Midlife Writer 


I wonder if you've noticed nothing stays the same, even in the long-term everything has always got to show a beginning, a middle, and an end. In this new seasons form in all of us.   Wisdom is the confidence to understand the transition from the old to the new. Learning from the experience knowing which to take forward and which to leave behind. Your subconscious will be playing you a game of tug of war; it will make you believe that the old way may be the best and repeatedly invites you to stay. On the flip side of the coin will be its telling progress with the new, even if little is known of the path ahead. It could quite well be ‘not the old not the new, but the necessary. We can load ourselves with all the advice in the world from man but at the end of the day, we get to decide our fate. Must we remind ourselves of the strength of our own hearts and follow it beat through those new gates ahead. Fresh starts no looking back, pack the bags move on out, keeping ever forward an