
Showing posts from August, 2020


Hello and welcome to another blog, its been a while since the written blog.  So today I thought we explore together the wonderful world of the 'Word game', You may not even realize you've played the game or if we're even playing now.  'So if you're looking at a little more than the first time you have been able to see the best possible outcome for a new format and you can see how it works for the next generation of the universe, we will all have a good understanding that we are living with the same walk as the other one is going on a day and time to get it together.' Well, that first paragraph was just a little bit of word game fun, to get our brain matter working; Or us thinking this writer's gone completely mad. I was writing this on my phone in my notes this morning. I typed in the word 'So' and then the phone gave me predicted suggestive words that it thought would follow on; This either now making a sensible paragraph or in this case a non