Question how many of us during these underrepresented times, find ourselves going for walks? Long walks short walk, easy walks, hard walks.  Do you for a ramble or just a stroll.  It has been interesting to see peoples habits change over the course of time, going for walks or just pleasure.

I come from a family of walkers, ever since I can remember as kid to adulthood, discovering new places and creating memories. it was the time spent together in those early days.  And now in adulthood I still love to be walking in the outdoors, quite often myself in my own thoughts I love watching the Skies and trees feeling very close to God and nature.  I'm not sure about you but for me I always feel better after a walk, that great sense when you sit down at the end and have a good reason for tiredness.

Feet will only tread where you place them;  Be aware where of the footprint they leave behind.  It is always greater to walk on good and pleasant ground.

"But admire the beauty that is at our feet."

One of the things life can teach us is that, is in our walks is to occasionally stop, look and listen not to the sound of the traffic or that of a human voice, but to admire the beauty that is at our feet.    You will discover new surrounding in the familiar places, paths that go somewhere and tracks that lead to a dead end.  

"Just 30 minutes a day"
Walking is a great way to improve or maintain your overall health. Just 30 minutes every day can increase cardiovascular fitness, strengthen bones, reduce excess body fat, and boost muscle power and endurance; And the greatest benefit it free costs you nothing.

Being equipped is a vital bonus , this can vary on the level of terrain and distance you expect to walk, the comfier the better i.e walking shoes, trainer or boots; and practical clothing. For long walks, you may want to take some water, healthy snacks, a spare top, sunscreen and a sun hat in a small backpack.
If you start going for longer walks regularly, you may want to invest in a waterproof jacket and some specialist walking shoes for more challenging routes.

brisk walk is about 3 miles an hour, which is faster than a stroll. You can tell you're walking briskly if you can still talk but cannot sing the words to a song.  You could also try using the free apps on your smartphone.It tells you when you're walking fast enough and suggests ways to fit in some more brisk walking.

Very recently I started using starva on my walks, especially during lock down. Its been fun to use and others get to see your activity. How Starva works is. Strava is an internet service for tracking human exercise which incorporates social network features. It is mostly used for cycling and running using GPS data. Strava uses a premium model with some features only available in the paid subscription plan. I'm sure there are many other apps like starva you could try if you so wished. 

"It Can take your mind of the effort and get you into a rhythm."

It is often found that walking whilst listening to music is a great way to process the unwind mechanism built within you.  It can take your mind of the effort and get you into a rhythm.   But word of caution, if doing this beware of your surrounding for your safety, especially if you are out walking alone. 

Add variety to your walks. You do not have to travel to the countryside to find a rewarding walk.
Towns and cities offer interesting walks, including parks, heritage trails, canal towpaths, riverside paths, commons, woodlands, heaths and nature reserves. Look hard enough you will find a walk that suits a persons ability's and needs. 

So what are we waiting for, lets buckle up and tread the ground beneath,. Please feel free to comment any other suggestions or comment in the comments section on this blog.

- Midlife Writer 

NB; Photos in this blog are taken and used by Sarah Joy Holden



I enjoy walking and am blessed to live in Oswestry with so much beautiful countryside around me. I am also lucky to have different walking buddies, of which Sarah is one. I do feel very connected to God when walking, listening to the other creatures he made such as birds, crickets and livestock, hearing the wind rustle the leaves on trees and looking at the wonderful vistas, waterways and skies. He did a fine job of what he made and I just wish the human race would take more care of our planet - we've only got the one! In some respects I wish I could go back in time when there was no motorised transport; daily walking for all activities would have been good for health and althought I don't use my car for much I have used it less in lockdown. Jesus and his disciples walked everywhere and he must have been very tired at times during his ministry. It would be lovely to organise a walking retreat when social distancing ends - I would enjoy walking somewhere new with friends from church taking time to read from Bible scripture about people travelling from one place to another. Thanks you Sarah for sharing your blog with me and for your company on our walks.
Unknown said…
Hi Sarah,loved the words and photies.I have always loved hiking and found it a magnificent stress reliever in my varied stressed previouse occupations.During the lock down Ali and I have been doing a costumed walk around our lanes to cheer the locality up-most popular were Pirates and a mobile Punch and Judy.Thanks for sharing and being positive,Mike
Christine said…
Thanks for sharing your thoughts and experiences Sarah. It's all too easy to fill our days without making time to walk and to appreciate God's amazing creation which is all around us. Christine
Writer In Rhyme said…
Thank you Christine, love and blessing to you and Pete

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